SMILE Journey

Government Homes

SMILE is the first NGO which has been working consistently in collaboration with government in the following homes for such a long period of time.

Balika Grah : From 2004 – till date

Balika Gharh is a home for destitute girls of age 6-18 who are orphan or have a conflict with law. Our main activities are: giving them home-like atmosphere, education and train them in various courses like stitching, computer operating, beauty culture, embroidery, candle making, dance, yoga, painting, cooking etc. to make them self-reliable once they set foot in the outer world.


  • Education: Girls now have started taking their education more seriously, getting better in decision making for future and are beginning to pursue higher education in fields like nursing, hotel management and fashion designing. Some of them have completed these courses and have become economically independent.
  • Homes of more than 100 girls have been found and they have been reunited with their families.
  • Earlier, clothes for the inmates were bought by the government, but later after training them, they have been stitching their own clothes and the money they earn is deposited in the girls’ personal bank accounts by the government.
  • Now every girl is given receptivity by the members of SMILE so that they can open up their hearts, and share their problems without any hesitation and get help.

Mahila Sadan : From 2005 – till date

Mahila Sadan is a government home which shelters destitute women above 18 years of age who have suffered any type of violence or have recovered from mental instability. SMILE focuses on teaching and conducting activities such as stitching, computer operation, embroidery, beauty culture, dance, education, recreational and entertaining activities, as well as yoga.


  • Boost in self-confidence of each woman, better decision making by making them aware of the laws, government programs, and facilities.
  • Reduction of dependency on medication of mentally sick women. Recollection of forgotten and faint memories among these women through different activities.
  • 12-15 women sent back to their homes with a better life every year. More than 85 women have been reunited with their families.
  • Some mentally challenged women with ongoing medication have earned Rs. 35,000-Rs 40,000 by using their skills in stitching.

Kishore Grah : From 2006 – 2019

Kishore Gharh is a home for destitute boys of age 6-18 who are orphan or are brought here upon committing crimes, under the JJ act. Our main activities are: giving them home-like atmosphere, moral education, counseling, and training them in various fields for employment generation, such as computer operation, plumbing, electrical work, mobile repairing, stitching, caning, etc.


  • After effective counseling, their criminal acts have reduced and even stopped in some cases.
  • Many boys had started earning their own livelihood after getting out of the home.
  • More than 50 lost boys have sent back to their homes.

Integrated Development Centers

Situated at the overcrowded urban areas of Jaipur, many slums lack basic amenities and cleanliness. Considering these issues, the major services provided are vocational training and counseling while making the inhabitants aware of public health. The courses offered are at marginal rates with the aim to provide services at their doorstep and train the aspirants who are otherwise unable to access these facilities because of family constraints. Certificates are given after completion of the course. We have successfully worked in more than 25 slums of Jaipur and are presently working in 10 slums of Jaipur.