




SMILE (Society For Mobilizing And Improving The Life Experiences Of The Underprivileged Women And Children) is a nonprofit organization working in Jaipur since November, 2003. SMILE is working for the betterment of underprivileged women and children who live in destitute homes of government, slums of Jaipur and near by villages. Our main focus is to provide counselling, vocational trainings, educational activities, creative activities, fun activities and recreational activities for deprived women and children. Smile is also providing training’s on leadership, Life Skills, Panchyat System, Health, Gender, Self-Defense, Teacher’s Training and many more.



Now you can also be a part of SMILE’s mission in many ways. You can do your part in helping the society by-

  • Educating women and children, empowering them with vocational skills, doing recreational and fun activities, and helping them in their grooming and personality development.

You can also be a part of SMILE’s mission in many indirect ways.

  • Getting funds is always a big challenge for an NGO, so you can help in getting funds from various sources.
  • You can even help by giving us creative suggestions for the betterment of our target.

Our Strength

Vocational Trainings
Education (After School)
Adult Literacy
Health Education
Legal Awareness
Life Skills Education
Awareness on Social Issues
Self-Defence Trainings
Trainings on Soft Skills
Training on Panchayat System
Short Courses
Sewing Machine Repairing
Teacher Trainings